Emergency hotline for victims of sexual assault

1202: Women | 1203: Men

04-6566813: Arab Women | 02-6730002: Religious Women | 02-5328000: Religious Men
Open for calls 24 hours a day 7 days a week


The Law for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace was enacted in 1998 in order to advance social change – to protect an individual’s freedom and privacy, and to advance equality among the sexes. The law specifies that it is the employer who is responsible: to ensure a safe and pleasant working environment, free from sexual harassment; to inform employees of the prohibition on sexual harassment; and to efficiently address cases of harassment. The law recognizes that in order to create such an environment, the organization and its directors must strictly enforce regulations that prevent sexual harassment.

The rape crisis centers offer: accompaniment and consultation for persons in charge of implementing the Law for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace; workshops and instruction regarding the Law (for employees, directors and supervisors); courses to train persons in charge of the Law in the workplace; and accompaniment to employees who have suffered sexual harassment.


The role of the person in charge of the Law for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace is complex and challenging. Questions arise regarding the role’s definition and responsibilities, methods for approaching a colleague or manager who has had a complaint filed against him/her, concerns about the boundaries of sexual harassment, as well as additional complex considerations and dilemmas. 

Ta’ir holds workshops and trainings for persons in charge of the Law for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. The workshops aim to provide the persons in charge with knowledge, tools, professional advice and support, which are vital for their complex role.


Ta’ir holds lectures and workshops introducing the Law for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace – for managers and employees. The workshops touch on the myths surrounding sexual harassment, present the Law and its implications, and explain the obligations and rights of the employees and managers in preventing sexual harassment in the workplace.

The workshops for managers delve deeper into understanding the main principles of the Law, and the personal responsibility obligating managers to act in accordance with the Law, to identify cases of sexual harassment and examine various methods for dealing with these cases in the workplace.

For further details, and to reserve a workshop or lecture: please contact Public Information and Special Projects Coordinator – 08-6215755 / hasbara@tair1202.org

For additional information on the law for the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace: www.hatradaminit.co.il