Emergency hotline for victims of sexual assault

1202: Women | 1203: Men

04-6566813: Arab Women | 02-6730002: Religious Women | 02-5328000: Religious Men
Open for calls 24 hours a day 7 days a week

Activity in Ta'ir Rape Crisis Center


Rape crisis centers were established to provide practical and emotional support for both female and male survivors of rape and sexual assault - to guide them through the difficult path they inevitably take following their assault. Ta’ir Rape Crisis Center (Ta'ir) provides emotional support and accompaniment for survivors of rape and sexual assault, non-judgmentally, and with absolute anonymity.


Sexual violence is a widespread social phenomenon. Yet public knowledge and awareness regarding sexual violence is limited, and muddled by confusion, silence and fear. Raising awareness, educating for the prevention of sexual violence, and spreading information about sexual violence are central goals of the rape crisis centers.

The Education and Information Department at Ta’ir Rape Crisis Center (Ta’ir) conducts workshops, lectures and seminars for a number of target audiences.


Ta'ir Rape Crisis Center organizes seminars and trainings for professionals in the legal, therapeutic, welfare and health fields: to provide tools for identifying survivors of sexual assault, to enhance and make more accessible the treatment of survivors in the community, and to present the implications of sexual assault and the specificity of sexual trauma.

Ta'ir supports and provides guidance on a continual basis for professionals who in their ongoing work encounter survivors of rape and sexual assault.


The Law for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace was enacted in 1998 in order to advance social change – to protect an individual’s freedom and privacy, and to advance equality among the sexes. The law specifies that it is the employer who is responsible: to ensure a safe and pleasant working environment, free from sexual harassment; to inform employees of the prohibition on sexual harassment; and to efficiently address cases of harassment. The law recognizes that in order to create such an environment, the organization and its directors must strictly enforce regulations that prevent sexual harassment.