Emergency hotline for victims of sexual assault

1202: Women | 1203: Men

04-6566813: Arab Women | 02-6730002: Religious Women | 02-5328000: Religious Men
Open for calls 24 hours a day 7 days a week

Legal Representation

Legal representation and research on cases concerning sexual abuse and violence is central to ARCCI. Our activities include:

  • Representing ARCCI in proceedings of fundamental importance and creating precedent on legal questions relating to the advancement of the rights of victims
  • Conducting legal research on topics of central importance to the legal activity of ARCCI, including:
  • The civil statute of limitations for the sexual abuse of children
  • Broadening and improving services for victims of sexual assault
  • The rights of victims of criminal offenses throughout the judicial process
  • Policy concerning closing the State's Attorney's cases
  • Providing training sessions for law enforcement officials, including: judges, paralegals in the Supreme Court, investigators of sexual offenses on the police force, and the Police Investigations Department.
  • Providing legal counsel to RCCs and others concerning legal questions relating to providing aid, guidance and counsel to victims of sexual assault.